What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And How To Do It Right

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And How To Do It Right : The Definitive Guide For Beginners 

Search Engine Optimization

The Ultimate Guide To Search Engine Optimization: What You Need To Know 

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important marketing strategies that small and large businesses can do in order to get their content out there. In this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about SEO. 

We’ll discuss why SEO matters, how to use it as a marketing strategy and how you can drive traffic to your website using SEO. In addition, we’ll give you some tips on how you can improve your SEO, as well as some tools you can use if you want to improve your SEO results. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the core components of your strategy if you want to get found online. 

For many people, SEO seems like a black box. You write some content, publish it, and hope it gets found. The truth is that there are a number of different factors that contribute to your ranking results, and I’m going to walk you through each one. By the time you’re done reading this post, you’ll know exactly how to drive traffic from search engines to your website. 

SEO Tips That Will Help You Get Your Site Ranked #1 On Google.

Google is the world’s #1 search engine and has, over the years, evolved into a very sophisticated search machine that can read and understand your content. Search engines use algorithms to “crawl” the internet and index web pages based on keywords, relevance, and value. Search engine ranking depends on how you optimize your web page with relevant keywords. The following are SEO tips that will help you get your site ranked #1 on Google: 

1. Use your keywords in your title tag. 

Use them in high density as this is a very important part of your search ranking. Keyword Density is the percentage of times a keyword appears on a page compared to the number of words on that page. It is used in analyzing body text and is typically used by search engines to measure how relevant a web page is to some keyword. Keyword density is not used by search engines as much anymore, but it is still an important factor in your search ranking.

Your title tag is the first thing that a visitor will see when they click on your blog or website. It is an opportunity to sell yourself and your company. It is also an opportunity to connect with others who have similar interests and share information that may be helpful to them.

2. Use your keywords in alt tags for images. 

Search engines can’t read photos but they do index alt tags. People often overlook alt tags, especially when they’re creating images for social media. They put in an image and forget to put a description. It doesn’t matter if you have the best image in the world if it doesn’t properly describe what is going on. You lose valuable SEO information that could help your site rank better in search engines. Take this example of an image from Wikipedia. The alt tag is the text that shows up when you hover your pointer over the image: The alt tag is an opportunity to include a keyword, and even a call to action.

Remember that alt tags are used as keywords by search engines to find images about related topics. So, for example, if you were to post an image with a link to a page about how dogs can be trained at home, it would be important to tag that image with keywords like: dog training, dogs, puppy training, pets, pet training, home training.

3. Use your keywords in links from other sites to yours. 

Getting links to your site will help it get indexed faster, and also help with ranking. Finding the right keywords for your site is a critical part of SEO. While you can have the most relevant, useful site in the world, if you don't have the right keywords and meta tags it won't be found. There are many ways to find the right keywords for your site.

But here's a shortcut. Find websites that list your exact keywords, and contact them to see if they will link to you. Then send them a link. If they use it, watch your traffic go up!

4. Use your keywords in the first paragraph of your page. 

The first sentence is even better but the first paragraph is where you want to drive the most traffic so it’s worth using some of your best keywords here. The key to effective keyword placement is to use your keywords in natural, Unobtrusive ways. It’s not enough to stuff them in there or you will end up with a page that looks spammy and creates a bad user experience.

The easiest way to do this is to include your keyword in the first paragraph of your page. The first sentence of that paragraph is even better as it immediately provides your user with context for the rest of the page (much like the first sentence of an article).

5. Use your keywords in anchor text when linking to other sites. 

Research shows that the anchor text is one of the most critical ranking factors for SEO. It’s so important that some SEOs even recommend using keywords as your anchor text.

Before you go and start linking to other sites with “buy this” and “find out more,” there are some rules you should follow to keep your site from getting penalized.

Don’t use the same keyword more than once.

Don’t use words like “click here,” “this,” or “that.” 

6. Try to add some of your keywords into the image names on your page. 

As you’re writing your content, you should be including your target keywords liberally. It’s easy to incorporate them in your articles, and can help SEO for that page improve. You should also ensure that you have a variety of images on each of your pages as well.

An image is worth a thousand words, and sometimes even more than that. If your image doesn’t have any text on it, then Google will index the caption that you put with the image into the alt tag of the image. This can sometimes be used to help improve SEO for the page as well.

Your content is there to convince people that your site/blog is the best place for them to visit. The goal is to make it easy for people to find what they are looking for when they arrive at your site. Use your keywords in the first paragraph of your page.

Don’t use too many keywords and key phrases in any one paragraph, unless you want to look like an over eager SEO. Be natural and organic when you write and remember that it’s all about quality rather than quantity.

Your content is there to convince people that your site/blog is the best place for them to visit. The goal is to make it easy for people to find what they are looking for when they arrive at your site. Use your keywords in the first paragraph of your page.

Don’t use too many keywords and key phrases in any one paragraph, unless you want to look like an over eager SEO. Be natural and organic when you write and remember that it’s all about quality rather than quantity.

Your content is there to convince people that your site/blog is the best place for them to visit. The goal is to make it easy for people to find what they are looking for when they arrive at your site. Use your keywords in the first paragraph of your page.

Don’t use too many keywords and key phrases in any one paragraph, unless you want to look like an over eager SEO. Be natural and organic when you write and remember that it’s all about quality rather than quantity.